May 13, 2024

GOOGLE PAGERANK Every one with a business web site knows that the lifeblood of their business is the traffic that they can get to it,How To Improve Your Profit With A Better Google PageRank Articles and that the Search Engines are a sure and economic way of getting it… If… Your web site shows among the first 20 or 30 results when someone looks at a Search Engine For the keywords of your web site. Google is one of the biggest Search Engines (or the biggest) and that´s why Google is one of the most used ones. If your web site has a big PageRank, that´s one of the easiest ways to reach the first places on a Google´s search, so many people think that what you should look for, is to have a BIG Google Page Rank. And what is the PageRank? PageRank it´s a measure of a site´s reputation according to the quality and quantity of it´s in pointing links. How can you get in pointing links from the expert sites on your market? You can do it with a link exchange campaign, but most of all you can achieve it: Having good content! So for the same keyword, the page with higher page rank will rank higher on the searches, and a page with higher page rank linking to your site, will help you more to get a better page rank for your site. To determine the relevance of a web page, Google looks for keywords in various places of each web page, plus many other things and one of them is the PageRank, meaning that Google has a ranking where the best pages about each keyword have the bigger Page Rank. So the marketers and search engine optimizers started to manipulate the keywords, in order to have a bigger page rank, and soon the Search Engines noticed it and started to counteract creating extremely sophisticated algorithms to evaluate each web site´s real page rank and banned the the cheater´s web sites. And this is an endless dance, the search engine optimizers keep studying better ways to optimize the web pages, and the search engines keep evolving and creating evaluation methods that will tell them the truth about each web site´s content and value. Many search engine optimizers will tell you that they know how Google evaluates the web site, but the real truth is that no one of them knows it! Maybe two or three people at Google really know it, and they will never tell it to any one because that will ruin their business. And which is Google´s business? Google´s business is to recognize what each web site is about and how good is at it, because they want to sell advertise, and they do it providing the best results on each search (including the page ads on the results). So their business is to provide targeted surfers to their advertisers. People find that the results are really related with what they are looking for, they click over the URL (sometimes over the free ones and sometimes over the ads) and they keep on using Google as their favorite search engine. To recognize what each web site is about and how good is at it sounds reasonable and easy for a human being, but it´s not easy at all for Google´s robots. So Google creates algorithms to evaluate the sites and from time to time changes their algorithm in what it has being called “Google´s dance”. This “dance” of course irritates many people (the ones that try to discover what the algorithm is about) because when they get near to know how to artificially inflate a web page´s value, Google changes the relevancy criteria. But the fact is that Google does the right thing. The want to be able to recognize what each web site is about and how good is at it, without mistaking good content web pages with well “optimized” web pages. Search engines as Google need to recognize reality and to give the proper page rank to each web site, and how do they do it? They check the on-page criteria and the off-page criteria…

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